
Terms and conditions for project support

1. Financial

  1. Use of grants
    All grants must be used according to the submitted application, project description and budget. All deviations must be reported and deviations larger than 10 % of the total budget require prior written approval by the board.
  2. Financial reporting
    All expenses must be documented, and all grantees must keep project accounts in accordance with national laws. All receipts for expenses incurred must be kept and the Minor Foundation may ask for copies. Your final report must include a detailed financial statement and show any deviations from the budget. The financial statement should be accompanied by a statement from an external and independent financial auditor. Alternatively, the organization’s annual financial statement and an accompanying statement from an external auditor may be accepted. Any exceptions from these terms must be approved by the Foundation’s board at the acceptance of the grant.
  3. Project reporting
    Midterm report must contain the following:

    • How the project is progressing
    • The activities you have carried out so far.
    • The project’s outputs so far such as reports, seminars, etc
    • Any adjustments to the project plan, timeline or budget

    Final project reports must contain the following:

    • A general description of the project
    • The activities that have taken place and the project’s outputs such as reports, seminars, etc
    • The impacts these activities and outputs have led to
    • Any adjustments to the project plan, timeline or budget
    • Examples of communication materials produced, reports, press clipping or URLs to new stories, etc.
    • A 200-word summary to be published on the Minor Foundation’s website and an illustration that can be published with it (to which you hold the rights).
  4. Withholding of grants
    The Minor Foundation may refuse to pay the second and/or third instalments if midterm or final report is not submitted, are inadequate, show that funds have not been spent according to the project description
    and/or these terms and conditions, or the board of the Minor Foundation has reasons to believe the reports have been fabricated.

2. Accreditation of the Minor Foudation

All information material produced by the project should state that it has received financial contributions from The Minor Foundation for Major Challenges” plus our logo. You can use the logo
in any size you want, as long as the letters are easily readable. It can be downloaded from our website www.minor-foundation.no   We ask that you send us electronic examples of material which includes the use of our logo and/or references to our foundation as financial supporter. We reserve the right to distribute public material produced by the project.


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