
The Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowships Fund (SYLFF)

Stiftelsen støtter viderekomne studenter og doktorgradsstudenter ved UiO innen internasjonale studier innen humaniora og samfunnsfag.

The foundation offers financial support to post-graduate students at the University of Oslo pursuing international studies within the humanities and social sciences.


Søknadsfrist 15.03.2025

The Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowships Fund

Scholarships are offered annually to master and PhD-students at the University of Oslo to stimulate international dialogue and understanding. They cover costs related to research stays abroad for candidates within the areas of Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Education and Theology with a documented record of accomplishment in academic excellence and social leadership.

SYLFF scholarship selection criteria

Applications will be considered by the UiO SYLFF Steering Committee, and grants are made on the basis of documented academic quality/merit, leadership qualities and achievements, and an appropriate goal, plan and budget.

Priority will be given to candidates at the PhD level, but excellent Masters’ students are also eligible for support.

PhD students may apply for research activities abroad that support their projects and bring them into contact with relevant institutions and organizations.

Master students may apply for funding that support their master thesis, such as field research and extracurricular activities such as participation at international academic conferences. Master students may not apply for support for taking courses at foreign institutions. 

The application must be submitted in the English language, and must contain the following:

- Well-formulated motivation letter. For previous applicants: Must be updated.

- CV (incl. academic and social leadership qualities described)

- Excellent research project with international focus briefly presented, including description of how research activities abroad and the funds to be used clearly support the research project goal(s). For previous applicants: Must be updated.

- The research activities abroad and funds to be used must clearly support the research project goal(s)

- Relevant and modest budget, maximum NOK 50 000,- , clearly presented

- Recommendation letters (i. e. from supervisor, international host supervisor). For previous applicants: Must be updated and from present supervisor.

- Confirmation of admission or visit from receiving institution (where relevant)

- Statement of willingness to identify as a UiO SYLFF-Fellow and to participate in building UiO's SYLFF-Fellows Network during and after the funding period.

Please note that by providing a statement of willingness to identify as a UiO SYLFF-Fellow you will be requested to provide additional personal data (post address, e-mail address and phone number) upon being awarded a scholarship. This data will be made available for The Tokyo Foundation as a part of building UiO’s SYLFF-Fellows Network. The data is also used in order to provide current and past Fellows with information about scholarship opportunities, as well as alumni arrangements and SYLFF-conferences, etc. This is a requirement only for those who are awarded a scholarship and it is not a general requirement when submitting an application.


The current application deadline is 15 March.

Applicants are notified about the outcome in May.


More information about the call and frequently asked questions can be found on the UiO website.

More information about SYLFF is available on the SYLFF official website.

The foundation announces two calls for applications each year. The next call for applications will be announced 1 November, with the application deadline 1 December.  

Tax Implications and Use of Grant Funds

The allocated funds from the Fund must be used in accordance with the purpose of the application. The Fund only provides support for documented additional expenses incurred during research stays abroad.

Eligible expenses include:

- Travel expenses to and from the research destination, such as flights, train tickets, etc.
- Accommodation, including hotel stays, apartment rentals, or accommodation at research institutions.
- Expenses for necessary research tools, supplies, software, or books.
- Registration fees for relevant academic conferences, workshops, or courses.
- Costs for obtaining necessary research visas or permits.
- Health or travel insurance required for the duration of the stay.

All expenses must be documented with receipts or equivalent vouchers. Funds that cannot be properly documented may be reclaimed by the Fund. Any surplus or funds used outside the intended purpose of the research stay will also be reclaimed.

General Information
UNIFOR's application system sends automatic confirmation emails for received applications. If you have not received confirmation for your application, you should check the application's status. If the status is marked as “Saved,” it has not been received. If the status is marked as “Submitted,” it has been received.

In cases where applications cannot be submitted, this is usually due to firewalls blocking the use of UNIFOR's application system. In such cases, we recommend attempting to submit the application using an alternative browser.

If you encounter issues with submitting your application, please contact UNIFOR for assistance. UNIFOR is happy to provide application guidance during office hours throughout the application period. However, we cannot guarantee assistance if questions arise close to the application deadline, so you are advised to apply well before the deadline.



The Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowships Fund

Vedtatt av Det akademiske kollegium 9. desember 1988. Endring vedtatt av Det akademiske kollegium 20.september 1994 og 19. november 2002. Godkjent av Fylkesmannen i Oslo og Akershus 23. april 2003.



Fondet er opprettet av The Japan Shipbuilding Industry Foundation ved gavebrev av 13. desember 1988. Grunnkapitalen, som utgjør NOK 6.900.000,-, er urørlig. Fondets formål er å gi støtte til viderekomne studenter og doktorgradsstudenter ved Universitetet i Oslo innenfor et program for internasjonale studier på områdene humaniora og samfunnsfag.


Fondets fagkomité består av : 1. En representant for Det historisk-filosofiske fakultet. 2. En representant for Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet. 3. En representant Seksjon for internasjonale programmer ved direktøren for seksjonen. 4. En representant for studentene. Fagkomitéen, som velges for tre år av gangen med adgang til gjenvalg, utpeker selv sin leder og bestemmer sin egen forretningsorden. Til møtene skal fagkomitéen invitere en representant for donator som kan møte som observatør.


20% av den årlige avkastningen legges til kapitalen. Den disponible del av avkastningen anvendes til stipend i tråd med fondets formål etter vedtak i fagkomitéen. Et års eventuelt ubenyttede midler overføres til senere års anvendelse eller til den urørlige kapitalen i tråd med fagkomitéens bestemmelser.


Fondet skal ha et styre på minimum tre personer og maksimum ti personer. Universitetsstyret ved Universitetet i Oslo oppnevner styre for fondet.