
Ann Kern-Godal’s Memorial Fund for Horse-Assisted Therapy

The Fund promotes evidence-based research into horse-assisted therapy (HAT) for different patient groups. The fund is open to international applicants.


Who can apply?

Since horse-assisted therapy is an emerging field of research, the areas the fund supports should be relatively open-ended and include at least three categories:

  1. Stipend for a PhD candidate’s research into HAT, where their thesis focuses wholly or partially on HAT.
  2. Stipend for a postdoctoral position dedicated wholly or partially to HAT. Exploration of new methodological procedures is considered particularly valuable.
  3. Prize given to the best institution with regard to promoting HAT research.

Especially promising research projects may receive support for up to 3 years. 


More about the fund

Ann Kern-Godal’s Memorial Fund for Horse-Assisted Therapy was founded by Tore Godal in memory of his wife Ann Kern-Godal. You will find Ann Kern-Godal’s PhD thesis and further information from the fund’s founder by clicking on the links below:

About Ann

Ann Kern Godal’s PhD Thesis

Tore Godal presentation June 2018  


Past grantees

2024 Grantees

2023 Grantees

2022 Grantees

2021 Grantees

2020 Grantees

2019 Grantees 


Søknadsfrist 15.02.2025

Ann Kern-Godal’s memorial fund for Horse-Assisted Therapy

Call for applications

The fund’s purpose is to promote evidence-based research into horse-assisted therapy (HAT) for different patient groups.


Financial support is provided in the form of:

- Scientific scholarships

- Scientific prize

Grants are usually awarded in the range of NOK 85,000-350,000. Exceptionally good applications may be awarded larger amounts.The foundation plans to distribute up to NOK 750 000 in the current call. Especially promising research projects may receive support for up to 3 years.

Who can apply?

You preferably have to be one of the following candidates:

- PhD candidate whose research focuses wholly or partially on HAT

- postdoctoral fellow dedicated wholly or partially to HAT

- representative of an institution promoting HAT research

The fund is open to international applicants. 


What should the application contain?

As the fund is open to international competition and the jury consists of international professionals, the application must be submitted in English language.

- completed application form 

- CV (PDF attachment, max 4 pages)

- project description (PDF attachment, max 5 pages (list of references, table of contents and title page can be added additionally), max 5 MB)

- budget overview (PDF attachment, max 5 MB)

- two separate letters of recommendation written by two individuals with scientific backgrounds

Please note that all attachments are mandatory. Missing attachments will result in a negative decision on your application. The attachments must be uploaded directly in the application form in specified fields. The application amount must be stated in Norwegian kroner.


The application deadline is February 15  


International applicant without a Norwegian ID?

Please contact UNIFOR at unifor@unifor.no in order to get access the application system without a Norwegian ID. We need you to submit the following information:

1) Applicant's full name (as is written in passport)

2) Name of employer / affiliated institution

3) Employer's full postal address

4) Applicant's phone number

5)  Applicant's e-mail address

6) An officially certified proof of registration (f. ex. tax registration) of your employer (in order to verify international grantees in accordance with Norwegian law when transferring money abroad)


UNIFOR is a Norwegian organization and our working hours are 08:00-16:00 CEST. If you contact us on the day of the deadline, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to assist you in time to submit your application. In such case you have to wait until the next call for applications is announced.

Please note that most of UNIFOR’s website is in Norwegian language. It is possible to use the Google translate button on the bottom left of the page. However, please be sceptical about the accuracy of the resulting translations. If you find the translated text difficult to understand, please contact UNIFOR’s administration for an explanation.



Ann Kern-Godal’s Memorial Fund for Horse-Assisted Therapy


§ 1

Ann Kern-Godal’s memorial fund for Horse-Assisted Therapy er opprettet av Tore Godal til minne om hans kone Ann Kern-Godal.

Stiftelsen har en grunnkapital på NOK 100 000. Stiftelsen har en forventet levetid på omtrent 15 år.

§ 2

Stiftelsens formål er å fremme forskning og å bygge bevis innenfor hesteassistert terapi (HAT) for ulike pasientgrupper. Stiftelsen er åpent for internasjonal konkurranse.

Siden hesteassistert terapi er et fremvoksende forskningsfelt skal områdene stiftelsens støtter være relativt åpne og inkludere minst tre kategorier:

  1. Stipend for en PhD-kandidats forskning på HAT, som helt eller delvis fokus for avhandlingen.
  2. Stipend til en post Doc dedikert fullt eller delvis til HAT. Utforskingen av nye metodologiske framgangsmåter blir ansett som spesielt verdifullt her.
  3. Pris gitt til det beste senteret med hensyn til å fremme HAT-forskning.

Spesielt lovende forskningsprosjekter kan få støtte for inntil 3 år.

§ 3

Utdeling av stipend og priser foretas av styret etter forslag fra en fagkomite på tre personer oppnevnt av Det medisinske fakultet ved Universitetet i Oslo.

§ 4

Stiftelsen skal ha et styre bestående av minimum 3 og maksimum 10 personer oppnevnt av Universitetsstyret ved Universitetet i Oslo.