

UNIFOR has over 30 years of experience in foundation management. The foundations we administer support research, higher education, arts, music, culture, and other charitable purposes.

Our Services

UNIFOR assists foundations with:

  • Asset management
  • Board administration and financial management
  • Grant application processing and fund distribution
  • Accounting and auditing

We manage foundations with a combined capital of more than 5 billion NOK. Our cost-efficient approach includes extensive use of digital communication, cloud-based solutions, and economies of scale in management, auditing, and board administration. As of the end of 2024, UNIFOR’s total cost was 0.17% of the total managed capital.

UNIFOR is a member of the Norwegian Association of Foundations on behalf of the foundations we administer.

[You can find our statutes here.]

Asset Management

Foundations are often established with a long-term perspective, meaning that their capital should be strategically and sustainably invested.

Foundations generally have a high risk-bearing capacity since their boards determine the timing of fund distributions, and they typically do not have long-term debt.

Studies show that over 95% of investment returns relative to a reference index can be explained by asset allocation between different investment classes. Each foundation determines its own balance between equities and bonds based on its specific needs.

Investment Analysis

UNIFOR does not provide direct investment advice but conducts investment analyses to guide foundations in making long-term and responsible investment decisions.

Our approach to foundation management is based on principles of long-term, index-based, and sustainable investing. The goal is to achieve market returns at the lowest possible cost while preserving the inflation-adjusted value of the capital.

Key points of the investment analysis:

  • Allocation: 40–70% in global equities, 60–30% in global bonds
  • Expected annual nominal return: 6–7% (depending on equity-to-bond allocation)
  • Moderate risk profile
  • Costs: 0.1–0.3%
  • Responsible and sustainable investments

A foundation’s investment strategy should only be adjusted if expected returns, risk assessments, risk tolerance, or return requirements change.

[Read UNIFOR’s investment analysis here.]

Sustainable Investments and Responsible Management

Foundations can base their investment strategies on the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global’s principles for good corporate governance and responsible investing. Many of the foundations managed by UNIFOR have also chosen to prioritize sustainable investments.

[Learn more about UNIFOR’s sustainable and responsible investment practices here.]

Board Administration and Financial Management

As a financial administrator, we handle all communication with the Norwegian Foundation Authority (Stiftelsestilsynet) and the Brønnøysund Register Centre. Our responsibilities include:

  • Appointing board members
  • Updating and amending bylaws
  • General support to the board

We assist boards by preparing meeting documents, minutes, and official protocols.

UNIFOR has extensive experience in establishing, amending, merging, and dissolving foundations. We guide boards through these processes by preparing necessary documentation and handling communication with regulatory authorities.


Hans Jørgen Stang
Chief Executive Officer

Rolf Westad
Head of Accounting

Cecilie Lydersen
Senior Advisor

Julia Larsen
Office Administrator

The Board

The board of UNIFOR is appointed by the University Board at the University of Oslo (UiO) and also serves as the board for approximately 130 foundations affiliated with UiO. The board members possess expertise in administration, law, and academia.

The board is responsible for ensuring that the management, financial administration, application processing, and accounting of the foundations administered by UNIFOR are conducted in a secure and appropriate manner.

Board Composition

Leif Helmich Pedersen, Chair
Stine M. Ulven, Deputy Chair
Benedicte Bakke Agerup
Christina Stray
Einar Lie
Anders Malthe-Sørenssen