
Søk resultat

New or unexpected ways of communicating We want to finance projects that inspire us. Many charitable funders will avoid unproven techniques, high-risk projects, or audien...
Ofte stilte spørsmålHer får du svar på de fleste spørsmål om søknadsprosessen og innrapportering av tildelte midler. Søknadsprosessen Hvordan søker jeg? Med mindre annet er spesifisert skal alle søknader leveres elektronisk gjennom UNIFORs søknadssystem. Det er kun...
This privacy statement was last updated on June 27, 2024, and applies to citizens and legal permanent residents of the European Economic Area and Switzerland. In this privacy statement, we explain what we do with the data we obtain about you via https://unifor.no. We...
Are you passionate about driving large-scale change to mitigate climate change? The Minor Foundation for Major Challenges (MFMC) invites international applicants to submit proposals for innovative communication projects that promote a transition to a low-carbon...
Scholarships are offered annually to master and PhD-students at the University of Oslo to stimulate international dialogue and understanding. They cover costs related to research stays abroad for candidates within the areas of Humanities, Social Sciences, Law,...
If you are a passionate advocate of climate change mitigation and have innovative ideas to drive the transition to a low carbon economy, this is an opportunity you don’t want to miss! The current application deadline is August 6, 2023. As a Norwegian foundation,...
1. Financial Use of grants All grants must be used according to the submitted application, project description and budget. All deviations must be reported and deviations larger than 10 % of the total budget require prior written approval by the board. Financial...
Scholarships are offered annually to master and PhD-students at the University of Oslo to stimulate international dialogue and understanding. They cover costs related to research stays abroad for candidates within the areas of Humanities, Social Sciences, Law,...
The Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowships Fund offers scholarships annually to master and PhD-students at the University of Oslo to stimulate international dialogue and understanding. They cover costs related to research stays abroad for candidates within the...
Ødegaards og Frimann-Dahls fond stiller i år inntil NOK 236 000 til rådighet til fremme av norsk radiologisk forskning. Støtten gis i form av stipender og skal gå (1) direkte til vitenskapelige undersøkelser, (2) til utgifter i forbindelse med bearbeidelse og...
Horse-Assisted Therapy Ann Kern-Godal’s memorial fund for Horse-Assisted Therapy promotes evidence-based research into horse-assisted therapy (HAT) for different patient groups. «Horse assisted therapy (HAT) is an innovative psychotherapy that actively involves horses...
UNIFOR is a non-profit organization with more than 25 years of experience in managing foundations. We manage private foundations that support scientific research and higher education, art and music and other non-profit purposes. Most of the foundations support...
The Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowships Fund annually offers scholarships to master and PhD-students at the University of Oslo to stimulate international dialogue and understanding. They cover costs related to research stays abroad for candidates within the...
UNIFOR only collects information deemed necessary or required by law to perform its tasks. This also entails that we collect, store, and use personal information for employees, board members, grantees, and members of our academic review committees. Please note that...
UNIFOR uses information provided when creating user accounts only in connection with the processing of applications for funds and grants. The information will only be distributed to subject and distribution committees in connection with the application process. The...
The Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowships Fund Scholarships are offered annually to master and PhD-students at the University of Oslo to stimulate international dialogue and understanding. They cover costs related to research stays abroad for candidates within...
«I could not think of any better way to honour Ann than together with her family to establish a Foundation to carry on the work she had started and build up the evidence of the therapeutic value of horse-assisted therapy.» – Tore Godal, founder of...
The Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowships Fund Scholarships are offered annually and aim to stimulate international dialogue and understanding. They are intended to contribute to covering costs related to research stays abroad for selected graduates, primarily...
Situasjonen vi befinner oss i om dagen er ny for oss alle, og da også for våre stiftelser. Når det gjelder utdeling av stipender kan vi gledelig informere om at vår tidsplan forblir uforandret. Vi fortsetter å ta imot søknader som vanlig. Søknadsfristene forblir de...
In the June 2020 edition of the Global Gallop, a publication of the HETI Federation AISBL, Mr Tore Godal tells its readers about his late wife Ann Kern Godal and the research fund he set up in her memory. UNIFOR encourages you to read the complete article, available...
NTNU – UTLYSNINGER 2020 Det er nå mulig å søke om stipendmidler fra hele 25 stiftelser tilknyttet Norges Teknisk Naturvitenskapelige Universitet (NTNU). Det lyses ut midler til student- og reisestipend, vitenskapelige stipend, samt til etter- og videreutdanning. Les...
Det er nå mulig å søke om stipendmidler fra stiftelser tilknyttet Norges Teknisk Naturvitenskapelige Universitet (NTNU). Det lyses ut midler til student- og reisestipend, vitenskapelige stipend, samt til etter- og videreutdanning. Les utlysningstekster, vedtekter og...
Universitetet i Oslo lyser ut midler fra 33 (!!) forskjellige stiftelser lørdag 1. september. Søknadsskjemaer og utlysningstekst vil gjøres tilgjengelige fra tidlig morgen av. Studenter, forskere og ansatte ved UiO er velkomne til å søke.   Fullstendig...