
Privacy Policy

UNIFOR only collects information deemed necessary or required by law to perform its tasks. This also entails that we collect, store, and use personal information for employees, board members, grantees, and members of our academic review committees.

Please note that the information available on this page is general and some foundations may request additional information in connection with their calls for applications. The relevant foundations will indicate which personal information they require and for what purpose it is collected on their websites.


  1. Who is responsible for the processing of the collected personal information?

On behalf of UNIFOR, the Managing Director is responsible for the processing of personal information collected in connection with applications for financial support and grants from the foundations for which UNIFOR is the business manager, and which uses UNIFOR’s electronic application portal. UNIFOR is also responsible for the processing of personal information in connection with payments from the foundations for which UNIFOR is the business manager.

If the foundations process applications / awards themselves, the foundation’s board is responsible for the processing of the collected information.


  1. How is the personal information used?

UNIFOR uses information provided when creating user accounts only in connection with the processing and assessment of applications for financial support from the foundations. The information is only made available to academics and the boards of the foundations in connection with the application processes.


  1. What is the legal basis for collecting personal information?

In order to be able to process applications for support against the different foundations’ by law statues, the applicant must consent to a minimum of information being obtained (GDPR, Article 6 no. 1 a); specific purpose).


  1. What personal data is processed?

For applicants we obtain and store their full names, e-mail addresses, places of work / places of study and bank account numbers. For members of our academic review committees, we obtain and store their full names and e-mail addresses.

Personal information such as date of birth, gender and passwords are not stored, but are verified through the “ID-porten”.


  1. Where does the information come from?

Names and addresses are obtained from the Central Population Register by identification through the “ID-porten”. Other information, such as place of work or study, bank account number, etc., the user is responsible for providing.


  1. Is it voluntary to provide the information?

It is voluntary to register as a user and to apply for financial support through UNIFOR. If you do not wish to provide the information required for the processing of the application, your application may be considered incomplete and rejected.


  1. Is the information disclosed to third parties?

Information is only disclosed to review committees and/or to the foundations’ board in connection with the assessment of applications.


  1. How is the information deleted and archived?

Applicants and members of the academic review committees can request the deletion of their user accounts. All collected data will then be anonymised in order to maintain the application portal’s history. It is not possible to delete a user who has been granted financial support when the required report was approved less than 5 years ago.

Inactive applicants who have not been logged in in the last 24 months will automatically be deleted. Inactive members of review committees who have not been logged in for the past 36 months and who are not associated with an active call will automatically be deleted.

Rejected applications older than 5 years are automatically anonymised. Granted applications with an accompanying report, where the report was approved more than 5 years ago, are automatically anonymised.


  1. What rights does the data subject have and which country’s legislation applies?

Users have the right to request access to and correction or deletion of personal data or restriction of the processing applicable to the user account, or to protest against the processing as well as the right to data portability.

UNIFOR processes personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Act and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


  1. Can the given consent be withdrawn?

Users have the right to withdraw a consent at any time without prejudice to the lawfulness of a treatment based on a consent before the consent is withdrawn.


  1. How to complain to a supervisory authority?

The privacy regulations shall protect individuals against personal data being processed in a way that violates their privacy. If you have experienced something that you believe is a breach of the regulations, you can complain by sending a written inquiry to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority.


  1. Contact information

If you have questions about accessing, correcting, or deleting the information on your user account, contact us at 22 34 01 40 or unifor@unifor.no. Questions about personal information that comes through the “ID-porten” must be directed to the Tax Administration.

The requirement that companies must have a privacy statement is found in section 19 of the Personal Data Act.