The NTNU foundations are excited to announce this year’s highly anticipated scholarship opportunities, starting February 1, 2025. This is your chance to secure financial support for student and travel scholarships, scientific research grants, as well as further and continuing education. Most foundations are open to eligible candidates from all NTNU campuses—Trondheim, Ålesund, and Gjøvik. Foundations with restrictions to the Trondheim campus will explicitly state this in their calls for applications.
All NTNU foundations award scholarships based on sustainable investments, with a focus on supporting your academic and professional development. Be sure to carefully read the call texts, understand the bylaws, and follow the application guidelines to ensure a complete submission. Applications must be submitted electronically through the UNIFOR application portal, available on each foundation’s website.
Application Deadline: March 1, 2025. Applicants will receive notification of results in June.
Click on the foundation name to be redirected to the relevant announcement and electronic application form.
Hans Mustad og Robert og Ella Wenzins legat ved NTNU
Civil engineers can apply for further education scholarships in the mechanical engineering field. Scholarships typically range from NOK 5,000 to NOK 50,000. Exceptionally strong applications may be considered for higher amounts.
Fylkesmann H.B. Guldahl og hustru Lucy Guldahls legat til bekjempelse av kreft og andre alvorlige sykdommer
Supports scientific research and practical efforts aimed at combating cancer and other serious diseases. Scholarships typically range from NOK 10,000 to NOK 150,000. Exceptionally strong applications may be considered for larger grants.
DnB NOR banks fond for NTNU
This fund supports initiatives that strengthen collaboration between technological education, research, and Norwegian industry at NTNU and/or SINTEF. Scientific scholarships typically range from NOK 10,000 to NOK 75,000.
Stimulus – Fondet for modernisering av undervisning og læring i ingeniørutdanningen BA ved NTNU
Supports the development and renewal of teaching methods, learning strategies, and student environments in the Bachelor of Engineering program at NTNU. Scholarships typically range from NOK 10,000 to NOK 50,000. Exceptionally strong applications may be considered for larger grants.
Bernt Fossums fond for anvendt teknisk-økonomisk forskning ved NTNU
Supports research in industry, shipping, trade, and international marketing. Grants typically range from NOK 10,000 to NOK 100,000. Exceptionally strong applications may be considered for larger grants.
Stiftelsen for etter- og videreutdanning ved NTNU (SEVU)
Supports development projects at NTNU that involve collaboration with users of NTNUs further and continuing education programs. Grants typically range from NOK 10,000 to NOK 200,000.
Norsk fond for klinisk kjemi
Provides financial support for activities that enhance medical biochemistry in Norway. Scientific scholarships typically range from NOK 5,000 to NOK 20,000. Exceptionally strong applications may be considered for larger grants.
Hjelpefondet for studenter
Supports civil architecture and civil engineering students at NTNU who are facing financial challenges due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances. Scholarships range from NOK 5,000 to NOK 10,000. Applications are accepted twice a year: February 1 – March 1 and September 1 – October 1.
Legat Til Henrik Homans Minne
Provides travel scholarships to students in the civil engineering and architecture programs at NTNU. Scholarships range from NOK 3,000 to NOK 12,000. Applications are accepted twice a year: February 1 – March 1 and September 1 – October 1.
Rainpower fond ved NTNU
Supports studies, teaching, research, and development related to water turbines and hydraulic flow machines. Scholarships range from NOK 10,000 to NOK 50,000.
A/S M. H. Lundgreens enkes fond
Awards scholarships for scientific work in chemistry and chemical technology at NTNU. A total of NOK 60,000 is allocated, with individual scholarships ranging from NOK 5,000 to NOK 20,000.
Stiftelsen til fremme av teknologisk forskning og undervisning ved NTNU
Promotes technological research and teaching at NTNU. Scholarships typically range from NOK 10,000 to NOK 100,000. Exceptionally strong applications may be considered for larger grants.
Norges Tekniske Høgskoles Fond
Supports activities related to technological education and research at NTNU, including international conferences, summer schools, and study stays. The usual grant amount is up to NOK 25,000, though particularly strong applications may be awarded higher amounts.
Alf Harborgs fond
Supports research on the function and diseases of nerve pathways, particularly amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Scientific scholarships typically range from NOK 20,000 to NOK 100,000.
Gustav og Maria Smidth og Herman Wedel-Jarlsberg legat
Promotes scientific work in the wood pulp, cellulose, and paper industries, as well as related industrial sectors. Scholarships typically range from NOK 10,000 to NOK 50,000.
Fondet til professor Leif Tronstads minne
Supports technical research in physical or inorganic chemistry. Scholarships typically range from NOK 5,000 to NOK 30,000.
Stud. Chem. Halvdan Wettres Minnelegat
Provides travel scholarships for chemistry students at NTNU. Scholarships typically range from NOK 1,000 to NOK 5,000. These scholarships are reserved for candidates at the Trondheim campus of NTNU.
Forsknings- Og Undervisningsfondet ved NTNU
Provides scholarships for research or study stays at foreign institutions. Scholarships range from NOK 5,000 to NOK 10,000.
Sivilingeniør Finn Krogstads fond
Supports Dr. Ing. students in civil and environmental engineering at NTNU. Scholarships typically range from NOK 10,000 to NOK 50,000. Exceptionally strong applications may be considered for larger grants.
Stiftelsen for forskerlinjestudenter ved det medisinske fakultet, NTNU
Supports research line students at NTNU, particularly for travel scholarships and project-related expenses. Scholarships range from NOK 5,000 to NOK 25,000.
Faste og Flory Svendsens, og Ingolf Dahls Gave til Musikklivets Fremme
Promotes musical life in Trøndelag by supporting staff and students at the Department of Music, NTNU. Scholarships typically range from NOK 1,000 to NOK 15,000. Exceptionally strong applications may be considered for larger grants. These scholarships are reserved for candidates at the Trondheim campus of NTNU.
Stiftelse til Anders Löfgrens minne
Supports master’s and PhD students in human geography. Scholarships are awarded in the range of NOK 10,000 to NOK 50,000.